Friday, May 04, 2007

On hiatus

Oops! over a month since the last blog post. I had an enforced two week break when my internet connection was cut off (luckily I was away camping for half of that), and since then, I've just been bumming around in SL. I don't feel the urge to build anything lately, and the state of SL makes it pretty difficult anyway. Plus, in a weird RL-mirrors-SL kinda way, I've been starting to make jewellery for real! I'm currently experimenting with stone tumbling (collected from the beaches of North Wales) and later this month I'll be going on a lampworking course. Once I get to a point that I'm happy to show my work, I'll post a few pics here (and maybe even eBay links ;)


Lucas Lameth said...

Cailyn Miller.. where or where art thou? Miss you lots, hope everythings jolly. -- I tried dabbling in RL jewelry too and it was fun! But shopping for materials left me broke! hehe.. would love to see your RL work sometime. <333

Cailyn Miller said...

I'm still here! I've found a new distraction in SL *grins* so building took a back seat for a while :)
I know what you mean about the RL jewellery materials! In just a couple of months I seem to have accumulated boxes and boxes of beads & tools & findings... I need my own workroom! I'll try and take some pics of what I've done so far, though I'm still in n00b mode. nother batch of polished stones should be ready tomorrow... me bounces!