Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Temporarily mislaid!

I've not been around much lately, either in SL or blogging. My back is still very painful, which limits the amount of time I can spend sitting infront of a monitor. I've also got a bit of RL work to do (yay, income!) and that's keeping me amused for the past week or so :) I'll be back!

The whole CopyBot thing blew up over the past day or two. It's depressing. The items I make are particularly at risk, due to them being pretty much unscripted attachments (bling scripts don't count, because there are umpteen million floating around the grid anyway). I have no wish to spend hours making intricate items just to have some asshole click a button and make a full perm copy. I really haven't felt like logging in in the time I do have available... *shrugs* maybe a few days away will help.


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