Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Today's Preview

So, while the grid is down, I'm attending to my neglected blog :) I've been working on a new necklace set, carefully storing away 57 backup copies before logging out for the update. Here's a pic in progress:

You can get some idea of the way I work looking at this. I plonk Cai on a posing stand, take off all her attachments (anyone peeking in my workshop while I build will see a bald elf, not a pretty sight) and then I start placing the main stones around her neck. Once I've got them more or less where I want, I'll swivel the camera around and adjust stones for the curve of her neckline. Then I'll start adding in all the teeny tiny chain prims (usually in groups of three or four otherwise I'd go insane). When all the chains are done, I'll take Cai off the stand so I can see the whole necklace, tweak any wobbly bits of chain, then I'll link it all together. After that, I'll drag a copy, turn it silver to see how it looks, adjust the textures if needed... and then I start making different gem versions. I've built up a huge library of different gem textures in various shapes, so I can just drag a few out and see how they look.

It's all very absorbing work, and I really have to be in the right frame of mind to do it. But when it happens, I can work for hours without noticing the time passing. It took maybe two hours from the start to get to the pic above, it would have been longer but I reused shapes from a previous necklace. Why reinvent the wheel? *grins*

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