This one is called 'Circles', it should be obvious why :) (yeah, i suck at naming things.) It looks a deceptively simple design, but believe me, it was a pain in the ass getting them all lined up correctly!
I'm starting to plan a big release for all these rings and bits now. An idea for the ads is forming, I just need to see if I can build it in SL.

I've also got a half-finished set that uses coloured moonstones, so far I have a ring, bangle and bracelet done. I'd abandoned these a couple of months ago when I couldn't think of any ideas for a necklace to go with them, but now, (thanks to watching 'Wife Swap' of all things!) I've got an idea to work with. Unusually for me, I've set the stones to shiny. I think it works well on this particular style. (It still looks good without though!)

Lastly, I've done the matching earrings for 'Cubed'. I'm definately only doing these in silver, the gold versions just looked weird. I've got seven different colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (ooh, a rainbow!) and white.
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